Perhaps, we are living in a hologram and realities as we perceive it, are merely projections from wave interference patterns that resonates in frequencies, seemingly chaotic, but actually in perfect geometric order seen from higher degrees.
Perfect geometry, or sacred geometry seen in ancient mystical temples & pyramids of Giza, are everywhere. Where I thought would be the most random of all, human emotions, are in fact, playing out just as it is.
This is evidenced through the study of stock market cycles, where it represents the mass psychology of the human consciousness. Stock markets, looking chaotic and unpredictable, are not so. They, that is, human emotions, repeats in a cyclical order. They unfold in a spiral manner when viewed third dimensionally, basing on the golden mean ratio. And yes, they are predictable to the point, exact point.
So, that's what they have been saying for centuries, life is nothing but an illusion. An illusion by the observer. In quantum physics, Subatomic particles, are both waves & particles at the same time. It becomes a particle when it is being observed with light being hit on it. It remains as waves when there is no observer.
Reality seemed so real, because it is a shared reality, where our collective consciousness creates the reality, or universe, or everything that we are experiencing now. So in fact, the real we, are merely infinite waves of consciousness, vibrating and interacting in a void.
This means we are co creators of our collective experiences, our circumstances, our surroundings and even our planet. Everything that we see and feel are projections of our collective consciousness. In fact, all that it is, is a singular representation of us in physical forms. The earth falls sick because of us, this is an example. The earth and us are not separate entities. Or in a broader sense, the universe and us are not separate. We are them. They exist because we exist. Will they ever cease. No, because consciousoness is infinite. There is no beginning, there is no end. They do not cease, but merely change forms. That is, we do not cease, we merely change forms.
We are all parts and aspects of the divine, or the source, or the creation. Nothing religious here, it is just that I can't get a better word to represent the meaning.
Duality exists in order to manifest experience. To understand itself, that self must create another part of itself so as to relate and experience. There is no bad or good, because both must exist as part of the one. Knowing something is bad assumes we have known what is good. A bad person as defined by the current morality standards are playing out their calling and role. They may not know it, but they exist for a reason, for us to experience and know the other side. In higher terms, they are not being bad, they are just on the other side of the duality sphere.
Consciousness is the energy, DNA gives us the type of experience. We are carbon based beings, with 2 strands of DNA. As we become crystalline in the future, with the crystaline grids replacing our magnetic grids, we will move towards 1024 strands of DNA.
DNA is perhaps not just used for biological reasons, it represents us and who we are, in the entire cosmos.
The universe is musically constructed. Each octave holding notes that vibrates at a particular frequency. The harmonic frequency of light in the third dimension is 144, square of 12. Which WD Gann had mentioned pretty often. Gann, a successful trader, is also a high level mason, initiated through the masonic order.
The Masonic Order is seen by the public as a secret society, mainly because they are holding within them, important information that are being passed down since the age of Atlantis.
As separate as we may all seem to be in our forms, in reality, we are all ONE, as infinite waves harmonically creating things as we see it.
Science & Spirituality are now no longer seen as separate. Religion is no longer difficult to comprehend.
03/10/2025 Market Outlook (Follow Through Wanted)
Strong bear follow through wanted as so far it's up 1 day down 1 day …
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